lists can be so much more

It starts with a list.

In this case, being vague seems justified. Much does seem to start with lists. Want to get things done? Start by making a simple list of what needs doing. Planning to replenish your pantry and refrigerator? Make a list of dwindling food items, cleaning supplies, and bathroom amenities. Need to unburden yourself of your thoughts? You get the idea.

Google Keep is a simple solution for lists. And for most of us, a tool like Keep is the go-to. Keep is a digital version of the analogue paper list. If you wanted to use your phone and fingers instead of paper and pencil, such tools are where you go.

Galen wonders where the threshold lies. The point at which a person finds that the simple digital analogue of a list seems to limit their actual use.

At what point does Galen realize that they no longer want to recreate the same task every Friday, when the phone can more reliably do that for them on a schedule.

Or, that checking how many apples they have is a chore, when they already know their approximate weekly consumption of apples, and could have their list calculate how many more apples they should pick up to get through another week. Now you can show up at the shop unplanned, and know what needs purchasing.

No computerized fridges or internet-enabled sensors required.
